I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this. Matt Demon is one of those east-coast abortion and science lovers that are ruining this country. First off, Matt Demon, it would make an AWESOME Disney movie and we are already in talks with there people to get this movie made. The mom from Everybody Loves Raymond is going to play me (I think Jamie Lee Curtis would actually be better at playing me, but she is a stupid liberel) and Tom Selleck is going to be Todd. I don't want to give the plot of the movie away but I can promise that it is going to have lots of comedy and jokes. Second, Matt Demon, why don't you try and make realistic action movies like Red Dawn instead of all those totally fake Jason Born movies (as governor of Alaska I live with the reality that the Soviet Union and Cuba could attack at anytime- something Matt Demon doesn't have to worry about).
I mean, really, where do you get off Matt Demon? Instead of hating America why don't you just go to Afganistan and try to live there and that way people will never have to here about your stupid ideas. I hate you so much!!!!1!! You are the worst movie star ever and I hope you and Ben Affleck get a stupid disease and have STUPID LIVES with your muscles and boyish good looks and your carisma!
Oh, what's the use...I have to admit to all of you that Matt's comments REALLY hurt me. I can take it when my two-faced friends in Alaska say that they might not vote for me (to you 'ladies'- don't be surprised if your husbands end up taking an unplanned trip to Cuba when I am VP), but this is Matt Damon we are talking about. I know that he is a liberel and hates me but I was really hoping that if I was Vice President he and I could hang out, maybe have a couple of drinks, listen to some music. Nothing inappropriate (don't worry- Todd! You are the only one for me!), just two friends spending some time together, but I guess that isn't possible now :(
Brad Pitt is WAY cuter anyway. And just like Brad in that movie, I can see you driving the Trojan Horse all the way to DC! And speaking of DC, I heard there was some kind of memorial going on today. Did you hear about it way up here in Alaska?
Posted by: Snowmobile Tuners for Palin | September 11, 2008 at 12:20 PM
How do you know when Sarah is lying? When she moves her lips-stick. HAHA, I crack myself up!!!! But seriously, folks, PRETTY TACKY, having BIG interview on 9-11. BUT what does one expect from "Ms It's-all-about-me" And what is media thinking....an historic anniversary, hurricaine heading for Texas, investigation into Dept. of Interior/big oil....and the big news is....SARAH (finally) SPEAKS!!!!!!!!
Posted by: breadandgames | September 11, 2008 at 05:04 PM
Wow, Palin I gotta say, as a 14 year old Freshman in Arizona... You, my friend, are a piece of work. Banning books? (Very Communist, Dictatorial) Don't you think book burnings are so 15th Century? I know you corrected your spelling errors about LIBERELS... but come one, CARISMA? I think you forgot an H, it goes right in there after the C. You got it! Hey! Look at that, you have a slight chance of passing 3rd grade!
Crazy radical Christian. Radical Christians are no different from radical Muslims and no different from radical Buddhists.
Posted by: Ethan | September 11, 2008 at 10:16 PM
"I don't want to give the plot of the movie away"
That's why this is my new favourite blog. Go Sarah, go!
Posted by: jasmine | September 11, 2008 at 11:26 PM
Hey, what's with all these people coming on to Sarah's own blog and then saying mean stuff! Go make your own blog, I'm sure that O-bummer (that's pretty funny huh?) has like, a ton of blogs.
And by the way, Ethan, there is a HUGE difference between Radical Christians and Radical Muslims and Radical Buddhists. First off, I've never even heard anyone call Muslims Radical before! Christians are Rad, but Muslims are, you know, pretty cool but that's it. And Muslims don't eat bacon. Or is that the Jews? I'm pretty sure Buddhists don't eat anything...well they eat vegetables and stuff, but I mean like no animals or meat or healthy stuff like that. How do they live so long if all they eat is plants? I heard somewhere that some Buddhists can live forever. I don't think I believe that, but that would be radical!
Way to go Sarah!
Posted by: the_mad_nader | September 12, 2008 at 12:20 PM
Sarah, don't cry, baby. There's always Charlton Heston . . . oh, d'oh . . . never mind.
Posted by: ddjango | September 12, 2008 at 02:13 PM
By golly, you kids need to learn some manners, I think. Maybe a little wilderness boot camp would do you some good; I know a real good one outside of Fairbanks.
I think one of Sarah's first official acts as President is to reinstitute corporal punishment in school for rude kids.
Posted by: ddjango | September 12, 2008 at 02:32 PM
Omg, Sarah, I know what he's saying is HORRIBLE, but doesn't watching that cute mouth move just make you want to be in the middle of a Matt DEmon-Mark Wahlberg sandwich?!! I know it does me. Mmm-hmm. I mean, in just in our imaginations, you know, because Todd is the only one for you of course. Same for my husband!
Well, anyway, sorry for all this bad luck. You just keep on being a straight-shooter (haha) honey!!
Posted by: chicksRULE | September 12, 2008 at 03:13 PM
Sarah Palin is against higher education! Look at her family. She married a man with who never graduated from college, her son is not going to college, and her pregnant daughter's educational future seems pretty bleak. Instead of a high-tech workforce, she would have us chopping down trees, shooting things, or drilling for oil in our backyard for a living. The Palin family brings to mind the Beverly Hillbillies. Can you image that lot occupying the VP mansion!
Posted by: Amah | September 13, 2008 at 01:34 PM
Lauren Ambrose from Six Feet Under should
play the gov in the movie.
Posted by: Bob | September 13, 2008 at 03:18 PM
Sarah is totally for higher education. I watched in Alaska as she sent teachers out into parts of America that others would not dare to go, to teach young people.
Posted by: Anthony Sloan | September 13, 2008 at 08:15 PM
Sarah is totally for higher education. I watched in Alaska as she sent teachers out into parts of America that others would not dare to go, to teach young people.
Posted by: Anthony Sloan | September 13, 2008 at 08:15 PM
Sarah is totally for higher education. I watched in Alaska as she sent teachers out into parts of America that others would not dare to go, to teach young people.
Posted by: Anthony Sloan | September 13, 2008 at 08:15 PM
Sarah is totally for higher education. I watched in Alaska as she sent teachers out into parts of America that others would not dare to go, to teach young people.
Posted by: Anthony Sloan | September 13, 2008 at 08:15 PM
Can someone give Anthony Sloan some basic computer lessons?
Blog posts don't grow on trees you know!!!
Posted by: Less is more | September 14, 2008 at 01:21 AM
who cares about Matt Damon when you can have Dick Cheney?
Posted by: jojo | September 14, 2008 at 05:16 PM
OK I am a conservative republican and all of you Sarah supporters are really wracked in the head seriously. I mean come on Soviet Union? Cuba? are you high on your self? Well you guys must sick in the head because you support Sarah, I am sorry if i have offended anybody but its something i wanted to get off my chest for a while.
Posted by: John | September 14, 2008 at 08:40 PM
You can't imagine that John McCain or Barack Obama or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Joe Lieberman would not know what the Bush doctrine is. But Sarah Palin? Absolutely clueless.
Palin's problem is not that she was mayor of a small town or has been in the Alaska governor's office only a short while. Her problem (and now ours) is that she is not well versed on the critical matters confronting the country at one of the most crucial turning points in its history.
The economy is in a tailspin. The financial sector is lurching about on rubbery legs. We're mired in self-defeating energy policies. We're at war. And we are still vulnerable to the very real threat of international terrorism.
Posted by: notafan | September 16, 2008 at 01:33 AM
Hey Matt, here is 10 bucks. Go entertain me, and then shut up, Moron
Posted by: R Balentine | September 16, 2008 at 01:18 PM
I am a woman, therefore I'm qualified to be the Vice President! That's about the only qualification Palin has. Wake up people, she could possibly be "Commander in Chief" if McCain kicks the bucket. God, help us all!
Posted by: Dumbfounded | September 16, 2008 at 06:37 PM
1) Are you stupid if you don't go to college? I never went to college and only graduated with a straight string of "C's." Yet I'm blessed to run my own consulting business where I make six figures. You don't need to go to college to be intelligent.
2) Christianity is NOTHING like the Islam religion. Christians do not go out and kill people because they don't want to worship God. That doesn't mean there aren't crazy people who call themselves Christians. Don't confuse those with real Christians who are called to love even their enemies.
Disagreeing with someone is not an unloving thing to do. Name calling, screaming (using capitals when writing), and talking down to someone who holds different opinions would be considered unloving. I would say that radical liberals have more in common with Islam that Christianity.
3) Palin may not have years and years of experience but she has had more time in a government office than Obama (why don't folks get that or at least take time to consider the implications?) and she isn't running for President, she's been picked to be the VP. There's a big difference.
Obama hasn't even consistenly voted on the weighty issues. How do we really know where he stands? Being a good speaker and talking about "change" does not make a good leader. I fear he's hiding his true colors...I hope I'm wrong but I don't see much evidence that he speaks the truth or has ever said anything of any real substance. Folks are just excited because he makes them excited...How is that for making a well educated decision about who is going to be in charge of this country, your country, and in charge of decisions that will affect your life? I'm ok if you're a stanch Democrat but don't just vote for someone because of they're a Democrat. Heck, I'm a raging Republican but I'd vote Democrat if I thought it was a better option. I may have even taken cheating John Edwards over McCain...but Obama...not a chance.
Posted by: Kim | September 19, 2008 at 10:27 AM
we have enough hypocricy in the white house, don't you think; against abortion even if raped but daughter has a choice; sounds like women's right fascism; can't reverse history no matter how many elks you kill without rhyme or reason
Posted by: george | September 20, 2008 at 04:39 PM
Do you have an explanation for this action?
Posted by: dan | September 21, 2008 at 10:25 PM
Do you have an explanation for this action?
Posted by: dan | September 21, 2008 at 10:25 PM
Sarah Palin you SUCK
Posted by: Lucas Forte | September 23, 2008 at 01:20 AM